If you wish to invite candidates whose information you have in a spreadsheet-like excel, you can do so: 

  • Go to the Assessments section.
  • Click on Invite More to start inviting candidates to take the test.

  • Go to the Upload CSV File tab in the Invite candidates page.
  • Download the CSV template.
  • Fill in the candidate details in the exact same format without making any change in the column names.
  • If you do not have candidates' phone numbers, you can leave the cell blank but the phone number column should be retained.
  • Save the file as a CSV.
  • Drag and drop the CSV file containing the candidate information in the space provided.
  • The application will parse all the candidates' details and list them.
  • Select the candidates you wish to send invites to and click on Invite selected.

Note: Glider does a duplicate check, candidates with the same Email Id cannot be invited to take the same test again. Added candidates can be deleted by selecting the candidate and hitting delete on the left corner.